Human Resource Managament

Our business views its employees as its most valuable resource when it comes to attaining its objectives and being successful. By educating young workers with great potential for success in the future, it hopes to maintain the strength of its human resources.
Being a part of the Kros Otomotiv family entails being a proud member of a group that sells premium goods in Turkey at prices that are fair to their worth and runs its operations using the best production methods. Mutual trust, respect, participation and cooperation are always essential in this family. This family encourages innovation and is open to change and development. Those who work at every level of this family will continue their careers as the most successful individuals in Turkey's manufacturing and automotive industry.
The principle of the Kros Otomotiv family is to attract hardworking, talented, creative and successful people, to help them develop under equal conditions by investing in them, to enable them to make a career in this sector by keeping their path to the upper levels open and to work together for many years. In the Kros Otomotiv family, no association is seen as temporary, and care and effort is taken to build relationships on healthy and permanent foundations.